Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolutions...A Promise Kept or Broken???

Tonight as we worked out at the Wylie Rec Center, packed full of anxious people, ready to better their bodies, it excited me to think of all these people whose obvious New Year's resolution is to take better care of their bodies and become healthier.  But then, as I thought more about it, I realized, that as the year goes on, the number of people improving their health dwindles to smaller and smaller numbers the more the weeks and month pass.

That brought me to the thought of why? Why do people break their resolutions to become healthier, more vital beings?  Is it that they decide they just aren't worth the time and effort? Is it that they decide that sitting on the couch watching TV is such a better choice and decide to forego that evening workout for a lazy night of "couch potato-ing" it?  These, plus many other reasons, I am sure, are the culprit for the broken resolution to get yourself healthier and in better shape.  But, how sad these reasons are.

If you know you are worth making the resolution to improve yourself from the very beginning of the year, then why are you not worth it the remainder of the year?  If you know that the resolution you have made is what is best for you, then what makes it not the best thing for you later in the year?

Could the reason for giving up on your resolution to be a better you be because you don't see the results fast enough?  Well, in that case, examine the direction you are going in.  Are  you improving at all?  Do you have more energy?  Have you lost any weight? (Even a pound or two a month will be 12-24 pounds in a year!)  Do you feel stronger?  Are your clothes getting any looser?  Do you feel better about yourself?  Even the smallest change or improvement in any of these areas is going in the right direction, be it small or big, it's the right direction!

We pray that you will all continue to realize that you ARE worth keeping up the resolution to make  yourself feel and look good!  You ARE worth being healthier and improving your outlook on life!  You ARE worth making the effort and the little steps, whatever they may be, for you to be a better you, in whatever way you desire!

Be the Resolution Kept this year!
Eristeo and Ronna

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