Knowing what foods are best to eat can be overwhelming. There are so many choices that you can make when you are working to better your health. Livestrong website has listed 20 best foods to have on your grocery list. We eat most of these on a regular basis, so I can vouch that most of them taste awesome, and are great additions to your healthy lifestyle. There are a few that we have not tried, but we plan to soon! Here is the list and benefits they have for your health.
Almonds-These nuts are a great source of monounsaturated fat (the good kind!), protein, thiamin, riboflavin, and Vitamin E, and minerals (copper, iron, and zinc). They have also been proven in research to lower cholesterol. The best way to eat them is raw, since roasting or salted can take away from some of their health benefits.
Asparagus-These strange looking veggies are packed full of health benefits. They are full of anti-inflammatory nutrients, high levels of folic acids which can release seratonin(a neurotransmitter than helps put you in a good mood!), and it may halt the formation of cancerous tumors.
Avacados-These are also packed with monounsaturated fat, are an excellent carrier for the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, have been linked to improved cardiovascular health and blood sugar regulation, and has been linked to prevention of cancer (specifically cancers of the mouth, skin, and prostate).
Berries-Besides the sweet, almost seductive, taste of berries such as blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, these gifts of nature are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins, and have been linked to lowered risk of breast and cervical cancer.
Bell Peppers-Along with adding some gorgeous color to your dinner or dishes, they are packed with anti-oxidants (vitamins A, C, and E), and they can assist the body in getting rid of neutralizing free radicals, reducing your risk of disease.
Black Beans-These are a super cheap dinner addition, or main course, along with being packed with nutrients, they have similar heart healthy, cancer preventing compounds that are typically found in berries, red wine, and tea. They also provide a great mix of protein and carbs. We have been eating black beans as part of our dinner the night before our long runs. They have been incredible as a pre-run meal. Step aside carbo loading spaghetti meals!
Broccoli-When reading about the health benefits of broccoli, there were a bunch of really big words, that I could not even read, much less try to type!, but the gist of the information is that these veggies are very beneficial. They are not only pretty and yummy, they are cancer preventing, high in vitamins C and K, have been found to potentially work in protecting the cardiovascular system.
Brussel Sprouts-Ok, I have to be honest, this is one that I have not tried yet, and am not sure our family will be up for them anytime soon, but they are full of vitamins, A, B6, C, E, and K. They also have selenium, a mineral that helps your body fight free radicals, and studies have suggested they have the potential for preventing bladder, breast, colon, and lung cancer.
Butternut Squash-We haven't tried this one, but we eat another winter squash which is also very good for you, acorn squash. Butternut squash is low in calories and high in vitamin C. Research has also shown that consuming it can reduce the risk of lung cancer.
Chicken Breast-This is one staple that is ALWAYS in our freezer. It is an excellent source of protein and no carbohydrates, making it a perfect muscle food, and it is full of an enzume which is essential for skin cell turnover.
Edamame-We have eaten these in a trail mix from Sprouts, and they are excellent that way. The picture on the website has them pictured in the pod, possibly steamed. I am anxious to try them this way. These are a popular Japanese soybeans that are full of vitamins B, C, and E. They are a great source of protein and are a natural source of antioxidants and isoflavins.
Eggs-I don't know if you are like me, but I have thought for a long time that eggs are a food to stay away from, too high in cholesterol, etc. Those thoughts are completely false, however. Eggs are the closest to a super food you can get. They are cheap, high in protein, available year round, have been linked to increased brain health, decreased inflammation, as well as improved cardiovascular health. Contrary to many people's thoughts, including mine of old, they are linked to the improvement in cholesterol levels. Based on other readings, we now buy cage free organic brown eggs. (What I have learned about that is a whole other blog.)
Flaxseed-You must ingest flaxseed ground, as the whole flaxseed will not digest, and will pass through your system whole. We buy ours already ground in bulk at Sprouts. Flaxseed is great sprinkled on oatmeal or mixed into a smoothie (this is how I consume it daily). It is an abundant source of fiber, magnesium, and calcium. They have extremely high amount of lignans, omega-3 fatty acids that we hear so much about being so good for you. They have been linked to the prevention of numerous health problems, and due to its high fiber content, can help prevent heart disease.
Garlic-Besides the obvious, keeping the vampires away, garlic has wonderful health benefits. It is a heart healthy herb that reduces body's cholesterol and triglycerides, protects blood cells and vessels from inflammatory and oxidative stress, and may prevent cellular changes that may lead to cancerous tumor development and inhibit tumor growth.
Onions-No benefit to your breath, but when onions are consumed with a diet filled with other vegetables, they can prevent heart attacks.
Spinach-Served either fresh or steamed, spinach, as well as other leafy greens like kale and romaine lettuce, are high in vitamin K and prevent the occurance of an aggresive type of prostate cancer.
Salmon-Wild-caught salmon is much better for your health than farm raised. It is a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, lowering the risk of death from heart disease.
Sweet Potatoes-These potatoes are so beneficial to your health and so yummy! They are packed with vitamins, complex carbohydrates and phytochemicals, large amounts of fiber, beta carotene, and most impressively, vitamin A, the vitamin that keeps your eyesight strong.
Tomatoes-These fruits are full of antioxidants, anti-cancer benefits, lycopene (which may promote cardiovascular health and helps prevent skin from sun damage), they are super low in calories, and can help lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Yogurt-Besides being an easy and yummy snack, consumption of yogurt has been linked to better digestive health and a lower percentage of body fat. Be careful to check the label, many yogurts are full of sugar. Greek yogurt is the best bet. It is high in protein and low in sugar. Another great one we have found is Kroger's Carb Master. These are low in sugar and high in protein without the bitter taste that Greek yogurt can sometimes have.